Friday, January 14, 2011

Date Night!

Remember the 12 Dates of Christmas I made for my sweetie?

Well, we're making good on that promise and going out tonight...

with no kids...

to see a movie...

in the peace and quiet...

and are definitely having dessert...

that we don't have to share with little moochie poochers...

Then, we're going to go to a movie that isn't animated...

and we might even stop for coffee afterward...

where we most definitely will not buy a single apple juice box.

In fact, our very adult conversation will probably go something like this...

Me: I bet the boys are having fun with Pop and Bee Bee.

Hubs: I'm sure they are.

Me: I love them so much. I kind of wish they were here right now. Just kidding. Not really. Want to call?

Hubs: Um. No.

At which point, I'll remember this picture that I took today.


And I'll have to tell my sweet, patient husband all about it.



  1. SO funny, Erin. This is exactly what happens on our date nights. We enjoy the time together, but we certainly miss our boys. It is hard when you are around them ALL the time and then have to create a conversation and event that doesn't involve them at all. Have fun on your date night! I'm a BIG believer that every marriage should have a date night every couple of weeks. Good for you guys!

  2. That picture is absoulty adorable! That sounds just like something I would say!

  3. Have a wonderful night - I'm just so jealous!! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy :)

  4. A picture like that is worth a thousand date nights... x

  5. haha, can't live with them.... can't live with out them.

  6. LOL!! My husband I are the same way! We decided for our 10th anniversary we HAD to take a cruise because we would be IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN FOR DAYS and unable to rush home to the kiddos LOL ;)

    Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree

  7. That's too funny. why is it I can't WAIT to be away from The Boy, but then when I am for more than a few hours, I start to miss him?!?


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