I had both boys in bed at 8:30 last night when my craftiness started flaring up...
now doesn't THAT sound flattering?
It happens every single night. Dinner done, boys bathed, jammies on, teeth brushed, prayers said, drink of water-- check! And mommy is running on fumes.
But just as soon as I tell the man-cubs their "nighty-nights" and "I love you forevers"and the door gently latches shut...
A surge of energy rushes through me-- I want to slide across the floors in my socks and turn up the music!
I feel this need to be free with my crafting closet... Now doesn't THAT sound flattering?
Well, last night I was thinking about decorating for Halloween. Last year we were moving and the year before that, I was newly pregnant and not feeling well at all. This year, though, I am feeling inspired.
Project #1: a new pillow for the couch. I picked this Cynthia Rowley slipcovered pillow up at Marshall's for $10 on clearance. In fact, I grabbed two of them and removed the ruffles on the first to make my
Geography Love Pillow.
The black-lined ruffles look perfectly festive so they stayed on. I cut out my letters from a heavy black fabric--almost like felt, but not as fuzzy-- and hot glued them in place.
And I even had enough left over to make my little ghost a mask for his costume.
This is not his official costume. It's mosquito netting that fits over my stroller, but he picked it up one day and called himself a ghost. I love how little kids' minds work creatively and without limits.
Now that I think about it, this is the first year he's had an opinion about his costume.
Until now, I had always picked.
He is growing up, but I must admit that I'm relieved he picked a costume that is still sweet and easily made at home. I just have this thing about wanting my boys to wear homemade Halloween costumes. They're so much more fun that way.
Plus, I have really special memories of rummaging through my mother's fabric drawer, jewelry box and craft supplies to come up with Santa Claus one year, a gypsy one year and Laura Ingalls Wilder another year (ha!).
The excitement came from piecing together the perfect characters before heading out with our flashlights to fill our orange plastic pumpkins with loot.
I want my boys to remember their Halloweens like that, too.
And I know that a time will come when they'll want to be a store-bought superhero or wear a scary mask. So I'm enjoying it while it lasts.